Technology center for refrigeration control
Quick connection to any existing cooling system
Alerts are delivered daily
Refrigerators sampled every 10 minutes
We will make sure your refrigerators work for you!
In addition, the system enables businesses to become smarter and more efficient when it offers accurate and reliable management of the variety of data accumulated in the organization while drawing business conclusions such as prioritizing tasks, identifying false alerts and deciding to disable refrigerators and more.
SKY's cooling control system She The unit that exists today in the market that operates without the need to install hardware or purchase end components, in fact if you have a temperature control system, you only have to connect to us.
The system is cloud-based, easily and efficiently connects remotely to temperature control systems and a variety of refrigeration units, and helps monitor the refrigeration indices in the business, filter and catalog alerts, identify small and large faults that can become damages in the tens of thousands of shekels. With the help of the system, it is possible to carry out rapid processes of energy efficiency and significant savings in the business.
Since its launch, the system has become a must-have product in retail chains such as supermarkets, cafes, ice cream parlors, food chains and more, ensuring that the goods in the business house are kept in the best conditions. When the information and indicators about the functioning of the cooling systems are available and accessible from anywhere.
Cooling control center
SKY's cooling control center Is a unique product developed following many years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the field of cooling and air conditioning, along with extensive knowledge in the worlds of software and information technology.
Advantages of SKY's cooling control center
Without installing material / purchasing end equipment
SKY's cooling control system is the only one currently operating on the market without the need to install hardware or purchase end components. In fact, if you have a temperature control system, all you have to do is connect with us.
Safe and easy to operate system
SKY's system enables easy and simple operation from anywhere in the world, managing user privileges according to levels of responsibility and branches, a variety of smart alerts tailored to the nature of the organization, online viewing of faults and analysis of fault history. All information is collected on secure servers and is accessible only to authorized persons.
Economic and energy savings
Immediate savings of up to 30% in the power consumption of the refrigeration system in the business, accurate and cost-effective management of technician calling costs and savings of tens and hundreds of thousands of shekels per year in the loss of goods that have broken down due to poor temperature control in the business.
Temperature monitoring
Receiving alerts from all branches in one central system, accuracy of the set of conditions of each cooling system for optimal maintenance of the cooled products according to the optimum temperature.
Staffed refrigeration center
With the help of SKY's cooling control system, it is relatively easy to operate a control center that will provide service to a large number of branches or to individual branches. The system is adapted to the operation of a refrigeration center and can be operated from anywhere (even from home) without the need for in-depth knowledge in the world of refrigeration.
Monitoring center activity, treatment times, recurring faults and more, improving and managing information for the purpose of producing business and operational insights, producing periodic reports and dedicated reports, viewing faults online and analyzing fault history and smart routing of professional personnel to deal with faults.
Want to hear more?
SKY IMU was established in 2012 with the understanding that the world of refrigeration, and food chains in particular, need practical solutions when it comes to saving energy and managing the vast amount of information they accumulate.
The company was founded by Marcus Shiner , director of refrigeration systems, with 40 years of experience working with the largest and leading companies in the economy, and by Yiftach Konik , software engineer who manages the company's software and cloud technology and has more than 20 years of experience in basic software development. Data and software infrastructure management.
The refrigeration control center developed by the company has been operating since 2014 and monitors about 600 branches of food chains, writers, ice cream parlors and cafes all over the country. At the moment, the system samples about 20,000 refrigerators every ten minutes All over the country, and allows network managers and those in charge to enjoy peace of mind, reliable information and security that someone backs them up.
our Customers
"Sky gives us a complete system for monitoring all temperature systems in the network, from fresh products to frozen ones. 24/7 supervision. We receive text messages from the system on a regular basis and with their help we are able to identify where there are inaccurate temperatures, which allows us to save goods and allows us to offer customers quality goods. These are responsible, dedicated, loyal guys who give us peace of mind because we know there are always eyes looking at the system. We have someone to trust! '
Meir Azizi, technical director of the Osher-Ad writers' network